Stake with us!

Staking is a very simple process. Just run the following command:


btcli delegate --delegate_ss58key 5HeKSHGdsRCwVgyrHchijnZJnq4wiv6GqoDLNah8R5WMfnLB --all

Alternatively, connect your Polkadot extension for a nicer dashboard and one-click staking... 👀

Unmatched performance and reliability

Unmatched performance and reliability

Our server infrastructure is designed to deliver exceptional processing speeds, minimal latency, and unparalleled uptime. We use state-of-the-art hardware, implement load balancing strategies, and maintain redundancy measures to ensure a consistently smooth experience for our clients.

Scalable and flexible solutions

Scalable and flexible solutions

We understand that businesses grow and change, which is why our server offerings are designed to adapt to the projects evolving needs.

Industry-leading security and data protection

Industry-leading security and data protection

We take security and privacy seriously. Our servers are equipped with robust encryption, firewalls, and intrusion detection systems. We also stay up-to-date with the latest security updates and patches, and adhere to stringent industry standards and compliance requirements to maintain your trust.

Intuitive data visualization dashboard

Intuitive data visualization dashboard

Our user-friendly dashboard is a key selling point, allowing you to easily monitor our server resources and performance. With real-time data visualization, you can gain valuable insights into your server's usage and make informed decisions for optimizing your infrastructure. The dashboard provides a comprehensive view of all essential metrics in one centralized location, making it simple to track and analyze the information that matters most to our business, which is to keep up to date with the latest bittensor updates and to keep running.


This Bittensor art was generated by Midjourney. Nothing specific to our validator, but we thought you'd enjoy it!

Our team

Our team consists of two passionate individuals who share a deep interest in blockchain and decentralized computing.

The first person on our team, who will be the public face of our project, is a professional IT engineer with 13 years of experience in infrastructure. He has been involved in the blockchain space since 2015 and has a wealth of experience and knowledge to share. He will be available to answer any questions you may have and provide regular updates through Twitter or email.

The second person on our team is the one behind the scenes setting up and running the actual servers. He has a master's degree in computer science with a focus on networking and security, and is a core developer and developer/researcher respectively as part of the team of two bluechip blockchain projects. He is passionate about the TAO community and ensuring that our validator is updated at all times with an uptime as close to 100% as possible.

Together, our team brings a unique combination of technical expertise and passion for blockchain and decentralization. We are committed to providing the best possible service to our stakers, and to contributing to the growth and development of the Bittensor network. Whether you are a seasoned blockchain investor or just getting started, we welcome you to join us on this exciting journey towards a decentralized future for AI and machine learning.